




Date2010/08/24 16:09:11


  1. 08/20、11/03、11/17召開本院院務諮詢委員會議


  1. 賀林寶樹教授榮獲中國電機工程學會98年度「電機工程獎章」
  2. 賀林一平教授及其研究團隊榮獲IBM全球聯合研究計畫獎助
  3. 賀陳稔教授、莊仁輝教授獲第二十二屆電腦視覺、圖學與影像處理研討會(CVGIP2009)佳作論文獎
    • “A Quality Controllable Multi-View Object Reconstruction Method for 3D Imaging Systems” Wen-Chao Chen (陳文昭), Hong-Long Chou (周宏隆), Zen Chen (陳稔)
    • “Probabilistic Modeling of Dynamic Traffic Flow between Non-overlapping FOVs”Wei-Chen Chiu (邱維辰), Ching-Chun Huang (黃敬群), Jen-Hui Chuang (莊仁輝), Sheng-Jyh Wang (王聖智)
  4. 賀蔡淳仁教授指導學生孫域晨獲The Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship
  5. 賀李毅郎助理教授指導學生戴克任、羅勻鍵獲「2009 國際ACM CADathlon at ICCAD競賽培訓選拔」第二名,林志達、林彥宏獲第五名,將代表台灣到美國矽谷參賽
  6. 賀李毅郎助理教授指導學生劉文皓獲2009新思科技EDA領域博士班獎學金
  7. 賀林一平教授指導學生劉仁煌獲中國電機工程學會「98年度青年論文獎」第三名。論文題目:「減少IMS現狀資訊訊息流量之弱一致性方法」
  8. 賀曾煜棋教授指導學生陳烈武、薛坤澤獲"Outstanding Demo Award" in 2009 IEEE MASS conference
  9. 賀彭文志助理教授與學生洪智傑、張至雯之論文 (Mining Trajectory Profiles for Discovering User Communities) 獲最佳論文獎 (The best paper award in the First ACM International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks)
  10. 黃俊龍助理教授指導學生蔡金亮、卓建益、程俊樺、楊濬仲獲 「2009 Yahoo! 奇摩 Open hack Day」Best Wretch Hack
  11. 賀曾煜棋教授指導學生羅棨鐘、朱瑞浩、許藍尹、吳宗衡、林宗慶獲「2009Mobileheroes通訊大賽-Android手機軟體設計競賽」最佳校園創意獎及企業特別獎(高通獎)


  1. 08/20、10/29南加州大學郭宗杰教授演講
  2. 09/17陳世卿博士與Architecture and Systems研究群座談
  3. 09/08王佑曾院士演講訪問


  1. 12/14 張系國教授演講
  2. 12/28 Oscar Winner-Rijpkema蒞校演講


  1. 09/22 李家同教授演講
  2. 09/29 校長座談會


  1. 08/20、11/03、11/17召開本院院務諮詢委員會議


    本院於8月、11月分別召開了三場院務諮詢委員會議,各邀請南加州大學郭宗杰教授、香港中文大學工程學院任德盛院長及中研院資訊所游本中所長、中研院資訊科技創新研究中心陳銘憲主任,蒞院與本院主管們座談。 會議中由諸位委員們提供予本院未來發展方向之寶貴建言,並就學術研究、教學設計等多面向相互研討。委員們的精闢見解,已以電子郵件轉予faculty,歡迎參閱。


  1. 08/20、10/29南加州大學郭宗杰教授演講


    美國南加州大學郭宗杰教授於08/20及10/29蒞院演講,其講題分別為:Content-Adaptive Super-Resolution Image Processing Techniques,及Is There Anything Left in Advanced Video Coding? 。本院教授及學生們對郭教授研究成果深感興趣,二場活動參加相當踴躍。聽講者從郭教授詳細之解說下,對其研究現況有所瞭解,亦增進對該研究範疇之認識。

  2. 09/17陳世卿博士與Architecture and Systems研究群座談


    美國雙國家院士(Member of U.S. National Academy of Engineering, Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences)陳世卿博士於09/17蒞院拜訪,並與資科工所Architecture and Systems研究群教授們座談,與會人員為鍾崇斌教授、單智君教授、楊武教授、徐慰中教授、游逸平教授及其博士生。於二個小時的座談中,就雙方之研究現 況提出討論,並尋求未來合作之可能性。

  3. 09/08王佑曾院士演講訪問


    本院於09/08邀請王佑曾院士(Dr. Eugene Wong)蒞院演講,並與本院教授座談,就研究、教學等面向進行交流研討。王佑曾院士為中研院資科所學術諮詢委員之一,並曾於1997年當選中研院院士, 現為美國Versata公司首席科學家和董事、美國加州大學柏克萊分校名譽教授及美國國家工程學院院士,專長為軟體系統及通信理論。其豐富之研究及教學經 驗,讓與會教授及學生們獲益良多。


  1. 12/14 張系國教授演講

    本院將於12/14(一)10:10假交映樓國際會議廳,邀請美國University of Pittsburgh張系國教授演講。講題為 Slow Intelligence Systems ,歡迎踴躍參加,分享張教授的研究成果。


    In this talk I will introduce the concept of slow intelligence. Not all intelligent systems have fast intelligence. There are a surprisingly large number of intelligent systems, quasi-intelligent systems and semi-intelligent systems that have slow intelligence. Such slow intelligence systems are often neglected in mainstream research on intelligent systems, but they are really worthy of our attention and emulation. I will discuss the general characteristics of slow intelligence systems and then concentrate on evolutionary query processing for distributed multimedia systems as an example of artificial slow intelligence systems.


    Dr. Chang received the B.S.E.E. degree from National Taiwan University in 1965. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1967 and 1969, respectively. He was a research scientist at IBM Watson Research Center from 1969 to1975. From 1975 to 1982 he was Associate Professor and then Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago. From 1982 to 1986 he was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology. From 1986 to 1991 he was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh. He is currently Professor and Director of the Center for Parallel, Distributed and Intelligent Systems, University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Chang is a Fellow of IEEE. He published over 230 papers and 16 scientific books. He is the founder and co-editor-in-chief of the international journal, Visual Languages and Computing, published by Academic Press, the editor-in-chief of the international journal, Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, published by World Scientific Press, and the co-editor-in-chief of the international journal on Distance Education Technologies. Dr. Chang pioneered the development of Chinese language computers, and was the first to develop a picture grammar for Chinese ideographs, and invented the phonetic phrase Chinese input method.

    Dr. Chang's literary activities include the writing of over thirty novels, collections of short stories and essays. He is widely regarded as an acclaimed novelist in Taiwan. His novel, The Chess King, was translated into English and German, made into a stage musical, then a TV mini-series and a movie. It was adopted as textbook for foreign students studying Chinese at the Stanford Center (Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies administered by Stanford University), Taipei, Taiwan. In 1992, Chess King was adopted as supplementary reading for high school students in Hong Kong. The short story, "Banana Boat", was included in a textbook for advanced study of Chinese edited by Neal Robbins and published by Yale University Press. University of Illinois adopted "The Amateur Cameraman" in course materials for studying Chinese. Dr. Chang is also regarded as the father of science fiction in Taiwan. Some of Dr. Chang's SciFi short stories have been translated into English, such as "City of the Bronze Statue" , "Love Bridge" , and "Returning" . His SciFi novel, The City Trilogy, was published by Columbia University Press in May 2003.

  2. 12/28 Oscar Winner-Rijpkema蒞校演講

    本院與人社院將於12/28(一)13:30邀請Oscar Winner-Rijpkema蒞校演講,地點為浩然圖書館B1國際會議廳。講題為Unweaving the Pixel - The Art, Technology and Business of Visual Effects。內容精彩可期,歡迎踴躍參加!


    Rhythm and Hues Studios is a double Academy Award winning visual effects studio that has been creating computer generated visual effects for over 20 years. This talk gives an overview of what is involved in producing creatures and effects for movies by discussing the different departments and roles within the studio and some of the most important issues with regards to art, technology and business.

    The Art

    Observation and analysis skills are fundamental for any artist or software developer. How does a bird fold its wing? How does water splash? What makes a crowd? By using examples from a large variety of Rhythm and Hues projects (like Night at the Museum, Happy Feet, Superman Returns, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Golden Compass) we e xplore what is involved in translating the complexities of the real world into techniques that can be used in the artificial world of CGI.

    The Technology

    The visual effects industry has evolved dramatically over the last decade. The growing technological possibilities form a constantly accelerating cycle with bigger expectations from directors, studios and audiences, leading to increasing challenges for the creators of 3D visual effects. The cutting edge technology of yesterday is the cookie cutter tool of today. By using examples from a large variety of Rhythm and Hues projects (like Men In Black II, Cats and Dogs, Evan Almighty, The Fast and Furious) we explore the roles of research & development to see what is involved in bringing the visions and expectations of movie makers and audiences come to life.

    The Business

    Historically, many of the large visual effects companies have been located mainly in the USA. But now visual effect companies are spreading all over the world and global competition and cooperation has become an important aspect of working in the visual effects industry. Because of this, Rhythm and Hues has expanded over the last decade and added international offices in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kuala Lumpur. In this part of the talk we discuss what is involved with work on productions that are spread over different continents and time zones from a technological, cultural and business perspective.


    Hans Rijpkema
    Production Technology Lead
    Rhythm and Hues Studios, Los Angeles

    Hans was born and raised in the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands. He received a masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Twente. His thesis on "Knowledge Based Human Grasping" under the guidance of Michael Girard at SCAN (National Institute for Computer Animation) in Groningen led to a paper in Siggraph 1991. After finishing his studies he remained at SCAN for five years as head of R &D (working mainly on train simulators for the Dutch and European railways) and as a teacher of computer graphics and animation for a masters degree program.

    In 1996 he came to Rhythm and Hues in Los Angeles (USA) to start up the character rigging department. While writing new tools into Rhythm and Hues proprietary software for rigging purposes he moved into the software department where he became responsible for a wide variety of topics related t o character development, like character rigging and skinning, fur grooming and animation, model creation and deformation. Currently he is a Production Technology Lead, overseeing the development of a shared vision for production related software, pipeline and information system technologies at Rhythm and Hues.

    Over the last 13 years he has worked on over 30 feature films like f.e. Mousehunt, Babe: Pig in the City, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Cats and Dogs, Elf, Scooby Doo, Garfield, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Night at the Museum, Evan Almighty, The Golden Compass, Alvin and the Chipmunks, The Incredible Hulk and Land of the Lost.


09/22 李家同教授演講


09/29 校長座談會


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