Institute of Data Science and Engineering
NCTU’s Institute of Data Science and Engineering is the first graduate institute amongst National (state-established) universities that specializes in the research of Data Science. The Institute’s features are, with NCTU’s College of Computer Science at its core, combine the teaching talent of the College of Science, College of Management, College of Electrical Engineering, College of Biological Sciences and build an integrated platform for exchange between colleges, and establish a comprehensive academic program in data science, and serve as an educational platform to foster professionals in data analysis to meet the needs of national development and industry upgrades.
In this new interdisciplinary field - data science, we place our hopes on fostering high-tier data science research talent who are equipped with core competencies in data and mathematics, statistics, which are combined with knowledge in management, biomedicine, and engineering, to carry out interdisciplinary data research, and carry out in-depth exploration of knowledge and establish prediction mechanisms and models in the face of massive quantities of complex, variable data, introducing data science into various facets of human life, and improve the development of future new technology industries.